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Resounding Echo Back on Barnes and Noble!


I’m happy to announce that Resounding Echo is once again available on Barnes & Noble’s Nook, as well as other platforms!

Like many others I enrolled into Amazon’s KDP Select Program, which requires you to keep your ebooks exclusive to Kindle and Amazon’s retailer sites.

From the start, I had a lot of doubts about the program and it took long before I finally gave in and enrolled Resounding Echo. Though it did help sales for a short period, it seems like some of my fears about it are getting realized.

I read the Kindle Direct Publishing’s forums every day to hear from other authors, and it seems like everyone have suffered greatly from the Select Program.

So I have no doubts about not renewing the contract and putting my books up for sale on other platforms again.

The ebook will now be available on:


Barnes and Noble



Make Your Offer

Apple iBookstore

Sony Reader Store


Remember that Resounding Echo is also available as paperback:

