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Resounding Echo Back on Barnes and Noble!


I’m happy to announce that Resounding Echo is once again available on Barnes & Noble’s Nook, as well as other platforms!

Like many others I enrolled into Amazon’s KDP Select Program, which requires you to keep your ebooks exclusive to Kindle and Amazon’s retailer sites.

From the start, I had a lot of doubts about the program and it took long before I finally gave in and enrolled Resounding Echo. Though it did help sales for a short period, it seems like some of my fears about it are getting realized.

I read the Kindle Direct Publishing’s forums every day to hear from other authors, and it seems like everyone have suffered greatly from the Select Program.

So I have no doubts about not renewing the contract and putting my books up for sale on other platforms again.

The ebook will now be available on:


Barnes and Noble



Make Your Offer

Apple iBookstore

Sony Reader Store


Remember that Resounding Echo is also available as paperback:



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Make Your Offer – The Social Ebook Store

Make Your OfferIf you’re following me on Facebook or Twitter, you have probably seen me mention MYO already. In fact, I love to mention it to readers and writers alike!

To those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, here’s a quick overview of what Make Your Offer is about:

Make Your Offer(MYO) is a brand new ebook store which offers a whole new way of selling and buying ebooks. All books have the same retailer price as it would have on any other online store, but you can choose to accept offers on your books as well. Some might not like the idea of people being able to offer to pay any lower price than the set retail price, but that’s okay as well! You can just set your book as not accepting offers.

Unlike other larger retail stores, MYO also offers more free promotion of your book. For example, mini-games revolving around books and covers that randomly shows your book covers among others. It’s a both fun and non-intrusive way of getting people to view your book.

As something entirely new, MYO now also allows artists to sell their artwork on the site. That means that you don’t necessarily have to use free-domain pictures for your book covers. You can easily buy a piece of finished art, or contact an artist with a style you like and ask if they would be willing to make something for you.

Add to all that, I’m really loving the community! No other site gives you such a friendly and tight-knitted community as I’m experiencing on MYO and the creators of the site are present in the forums and not only listens, but also use the ideas and suggestions the members come up with(As a matter of fact, the idea with including artwork seems to be inspired from a conversation with me!).

I really think everyone looking for new places to sell or buy books should take a look at MYO. Or maybe you just want a friendly community of writers and readers? I can only recommend you to take a look: Make Your Offer

BONUS: Is your book in KDP Select? No problem! You can still upload it without violating Amazon’s contract and receive offers. You just have to wait with selling the book until it’s out of the Select program. Smart, right?