Various Geekery

In case you haven’t already guessed, I’m a huge geek, and whenever I’m not writing or arguing with my owl, I play games. A lot of games.

And then I tend to write rambling, mostly nonsensical blog posts about said games!

You might also find some stuff about LARP’ing and D&D and swords… You get my drift.

Kongemord – A LARP Where I Had to Act Like a Lady (Never Again!)

It's been a while since I have done one of my ultra-long LARP posts, but I am afraid this won't be it. I just realized that I hadn't shared any pictures from Kongemord, a one-day Danish historical medieval LARP I went to this summer. And considering how much I suffered ...
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Something Ends Something Begins LARP

Something Ends, Something Begins – Another Witcher LARP

Back in February, I went to a LARP. More exactly, I went to a Witcher LARP... that wasn't Witcher School! Yes, the European LARPers are all about following in the footsteps of Geralt of Rivia, with "Something Ends, Something Begins" held in the mountains outside of Barcelona. Unlike Witcher School, ...
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Once again I have come home from Poland, another LARP under my belt. In a change of pace, I didn't play a witcher, but instead I joined the new viking LARP HØST as a member of the Red Sails clan. Now, I'm not going to do one of my huge ...
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Witcher School Leshen Marked

Witcher School – Where I Started a War with a Bard and Once Again Didn’t Murder Any Blue Stripes

Spoilers for Episode 3 of Witcher School.  Note: I started writing this post right after the episode back in October... and then I got busy. And then I sort of forgot about it. And then I couldn't be arsed to proof-read it. My point is, please pretend this was published ...
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Dungeons and Dragons Character Sheet

Let’s Talk Dungeons & Dragons Characters

While we're waiting for me to get off my ass and finish the large LARP posts in the pipeline, let's have a fun little discussion about an adjacent geek topic. I have been playing so much Dungeons & Dragons lately. As of writing this, I have done three sessions for ...
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Krigslive Sollands Sidste

Krigslive XIV – Giving Danish LARP a Shot

What's this? Krigslive? You mean a LARP write-up that isn't about Witcher School? Strange days, indeed! Krigslive is a Danish LARP set in the Warhammer universe with focus on military life and huge battles. This year, the setting revolved around a religious conflict between the armies of the North - ...
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World of Warcraft Shadowlands Bastion Statue

Adventures in World of Warcraft Shadowlands

We're taking a break from our scheduled book content to give you a gaming post. This is, of course, in celebration of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, the new expansion to the game I have been playing for 15 years, like some loon with game Stockholm Syndrome. Even though I have ...
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Witcher School Archery Class

Top Ten Tuesday – Non-Bookish Hobbies

It's time for Top Ten Tuesday, and for once, the prompt is not book-related. It's Non-Bookish Hobbies, and while I don't think I can list 10 of them, I do have quite a few. ...And they're all ridiculously geeky. Cosplay Yes, I enjoy dressing up as fictional characters. It's frowned upon ...
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Witcher School Group Photo

Witcher School – Where I Made a Deal with the Devil and Developed a Hatred of Spoons

Spoilers for episode 2 of Witcher School.  Oh, I have been longing to write another one of these posts! (Which is why I have no idea why it has taken me so long to finish...) I got home from Episode 2 of Season 4 of Witcher School, my third WS ...
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Do I Play Too Much Heroes of the Storm? Why Yes. Yes, I do

Not many think much of Heroes of the Storm after Blizzard pulled the plug on its eSport's scene - throwing in the towel and admitting to League of Legends that they win - but it's still my MOBA of choice. Possibly because it's less popular, meaning I have less 12-year ...
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