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Waterstones Is Training Delivery Owls. I Wonder If Artemis Can Get a Job?

Apparently Waterstones decided that if they can’t top Amazon in anything else, they will top them in crazy!

I thought it was pretty far-fetched when Amazon announced their new Prime Air program a few days ago, where they intend to deliver packages by drones, but it didn’t brighten up my day as Waterstones response today did.

Clearly, they’re not serious when they say they intend to train an army of owls to deliver books to their costumers, but take a look at the blog post anyway. The FAQ is hilarious!

Q. Isn’t this just what they did in Harry Potter?

A: Yes, this is exactly what they did in Harry Potter. You’re asking that as if this is a bad thing.

Maybe Artemis can get a job. He would have to deliver something small, like book marks, though(he’s tiny!)… Then again, he freaks out every time he sees paper towels, or anything that bears even the slightest resemblance to them, so maybe entrusting mail to him wouldn’t be the best idea…

Owl Knitting
“Did someone say paper towels?!”

2 thoughts on “Waterstones Is Training Delivery Owls. I Wonder If Artemis Can Get a Job?

  1. “He would have to deliver something small, like book marks”

    Laughing my head off.

    1. The truth is, he would probably eat them. But that’s not the best thing to write in the job application!

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