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DokoCon and the Big Plant Heist

Crowley Cosplay Good Omens

So, I went to DokoCon this weekend. It’s a tiny Danish cosplay convention held for the first time this year, so the scheduled program was limited. This is understandable, of course, but it did mean that after I brought my team to victory in the Harry Potter quiz (my reading list had been well-timed) I had to find some way to entertain myself. I had opted not to get a booth to sell books this time around, so I found myself with a lot of time on my hands.

And I was cosplaying as Crowley from Good Omens. You should never let demons get bored.

I have always said that if you just appear like you have every right to be doing whatever you’re doing no one stops you, but I’m still slightly surprised no one questioned me when I made off with one of the potted plants from the canteen.

Crowley Cosplay Good Omens

I walked around the entire convention area while carrying this thing, and only one person was like, “Why do you have a plant?”.

The plant, of course, was too scared to call for help. It knew the consequences of such actions.

Last time I wore this cosplay, I kidnapped an Aziraphale (she didn’t dare ask questions either), so I fear I’m making a habit out of abducting hapless creatures. But as I probably couldn’t get away with stealing a Bentley, I have to make do in some way.