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The Satisfaction From Finishing a First Draft

Broken Melody Draft

Yes, you read that right. I finished the first draft of my next book, Broken Melody.

We can all agree that the world is horrible right now, right? It’s been nearly impossible for me to come up with something positive to write about, but I’ll allow myself to be proud of my productivity while everything around us went crazy.

This book was written at record speeds for me. Both Quiet Whisper and Ghostly Scream, the previous books in the series, took embarrassingly long to finish, so when I started Broken Melody in November last year, I honestly hadn’t expected it to be done in 2020, much less in the first half of the year.

Of course I still have a lot of revising and editing to be done, but if I get off my ass we’re looking at a summer 2020 release, and at the very latest it should be out in autumn.

But I’m not sitting idle. I’m already hard at work on the sixth book in the series, which will be called Eerie Song. I’m not letting this sudden writing spree go to waste, so hopefully I can crack out several chapters before I run out of steam. It’s weird writing this book at this time, though, seeing as one of the main plots revolve around a contagious disease… I tend to use fiction to escape reality, but right now it feels like I should be taking notes while watching the news…?

But let’s forget about Corona for a while.

(But do still wash your hands!)

I’m planning to reveal the cover of Broken Melody next week and hopefully share some excerpts as I make my way through the first round of editing.

Unless, of course, I hate everything. In which case you will just hear the sound of distant screaming.


Broken Melody Draft

2 thoughts on “The Satisfaction From Finishing a First Draft

  1. Very exciting! Congrats on getting the draft finished!

    1. Thank you!

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