As I’m slowly beginning to recover from the mixture of a cold, malnutrition and sleep deprivation that is my familiar companion at every convention I go to, I wanted to write a few words about KoyoCon 2024 that took place last weekend.
I believe I have been to every single main KoyoCon convention since the very first year it was held, so it’s not like there’s a lot that hasn’t already been said time and time again, but I really do enjoy going to sell books in the Artist Alley each year—despite what my miserable expression might suggest once it’s nearing 10 pm after being at it for 12 hours straight, running on fumes and energy drinks.
This was the first convention I went to after the release of Eerie Song and I’m blown away by how many familiar faces still show up to grab a copy of the latest book in this long-running series (a series that is finally coming to its end with the next book).
It really does warm my heart.
But, of course, it wouldn’t be a proper convention experience without some funny moments.
This time around, I would like to highlight the person who came by and told me about how many different kinds of my bookmarks they had bought (strongly suggesting that they had visited my booth at multiple conventions) and then in the middle of the conversation that followed looked at the display next to said bookmarks—the display that took up 60% of the table—and went, “Oh, I didn’t know you wrote books!”
If any moment truly captures how terrible a salesperson I am, I feel like it’s this one.