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The Bookish Owl – Coraline by Neil Gaiman

Coraline Neil Gaiman Owl

I just started reading Coraline by Neil Gaiman. It’s technically a children’s book, but I’ve heard so many people talking about it, so I gave it a shot anyway.

Besides, after reading the first 5 chapters, I think I can safely say that those button-eyed people would have scared the crap out of me as a child.

It’s like a horror-version of Alice in Wonderland. All the same weirdness (and the feeling that the child protagonist is probably on drugs), but it’s all creepy instead of whimsical. It even got a cat that talks but refuses to give clear answers!

After reading Good Omens during my Pratchett bender, and having followed Gaiman on Twitter for years, I have wanted to read some of his non-cowritten work for some time. If you’re a Gaiman fan yourself, what do you think I should read next of his?

Coraline Neil Gaiman Owl

2 thoughts on “The Bookish Owl – Coraline by Neil Gaiman

  1. For me at least Neil is often hit or miss. I either love it (Graveyard Book and Neverwhere) or really hate it (American Gods). I liked Coraline though. I thought the movie was also pretty good. Although I really like stop motion, so I am likely bias.

    1. I have not watched the movie, but I like the book so far.
      I have heard a lot of people talk about American Gods, but it seems they either love it to pieces or utterly despise it. Not a lot of middle ground. Hard to know which camp I will land in without knowing more, which is why I keep passing it by in bookstores.

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