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My Next Book Will Be Called “Broken Melody”

Book cover question mark

Book cover question mark

I finally solved my title problem!

After months of asking on Twitter as well as on this blog, I eventually confided in a friend about my growing frustration.

15 minutes of brainstorming later and I had not only the title for this book, but for the rest of the planned books in the Angel’s Voice series.

It’s the same friend who helped me fix some typography issues when I was redesigning covers for the series. I might just have to start paying her…

Of course we’re continuing the ‘sound’-theme from the earlier books and naming the fifth book ‘Broken Melody’. Let’s hope I don’t jinx the book by naming it. The writing has been going remarkably well and I would love to break my habit of taking years to finish books.

And yes, I know some of you will be disappointed that the book won’t be called ‘CSI: Var’nori’, but it’s very important to remember that I’m often quite sleep-deprived when I write blog posts and that I never should have shared my weird working title with you to begin with. It’s bad enough that it’s still kind of stuck in my own head…

2 thoughts on “My Next Book Will Be Called “Broken Melody”

  1. Thinking of titles can be so hard. I’m glad you decided on yours!

    1. I am so relieved to finally have one!
      I was beginning to be afraid I wouldn’t come up with anything until the book was actually done…

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