Maybe I should just make this webpage into a cosplay page instead. I have absolutely nothing to say about writing lately! On the other hand, I have pictures of costumes! The two things are totally related… well, at least I keep within the fantasy genre.
The last pictures I posted were solely of my friend Skymone’s Jaina Proudmoore costume. This time around, we hijacked a photographer to take pictures of our dragon costumes, so I’m actually featured!
The characters are Ysera the Awakened (Skymone) and Alexstrasza the Life-binder (Me) from World of Warcraft. We worked together on these costumes for about a year. It was the first cosplay I did, so I had to lean heavily on Skymone’s crafting experience, but I think it turned out really well! If you’re interested in the process, go take a look at Skymone’s Facebook page: Skymone Cosplay
Photoshoot info:
Characters: Alexstrasza and Ysera (World of Warcraft)
Models: Michelle Louring and Skymone Cosplay
Photographer: Kristian Lund