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Pictures from SVScon 2014

Unfortunately, I didn’t get a lot of pictures myself this year, so I might update if I can get into contact with some of the other people who took pictures of my costume! Feel free to comment on this post if you have any I can use.

Read about SVScon 2014 here.

Alexstrasza cosplay

May I present to you: Alexstrasza the Dragonqueen.
She looks pissed…

Lich King Alexstrasza cosplay

The Lich King getting the upper hand in me… and some bearded guy in pink in the background.

Alexstrasza cosplay

My first time on stage at SVScon Cosplay Showcase.
Photograph: Mette Olesen

Lich King Alexstrasza Ysera Photobomb

Photobomb: Lich King

Lich King Ysera Alexstrasza cosplay


Alexstrasza Lich King cosplay

Not really sure if I’m about to knight him or behead him…

Lich King and Alexstrasza

Who says the Queen of Life and the King of Undeads can’t get along?

Team Warcraft

Team Warcraft!

More pictures: 

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Pictures from Genki

Picture time!

This time, I finally managed to get a lot of pictures at a convention and it was really hard to choose just a few to showcase on the website. Here goes!

If I have uploaded a picture of you and you wish it taken down, add a comment to the post or send me an email and it will be done immediately.

Artist Alley

Genki Artist Alley

Little innocent me. With my stolen quill.

Book Signing With Quill

I got no pictures of me writing in people’s books, so Nina acted out this totally fake book signing for the sake of a photo.

Night Elf costume repair

Simone had some technical difficulties…


Assassin Creed Cosplayer

Assassin’s Creed Guy! I can’t remember what character he is, but I’m pretty sure I got the game right.

Cosplay Fight

Assassin’s Creed Guy versus Harley Quinn and a Night Elf druid…

Harley Quinn, Assassin's Creed and Warcraft

…Assassin’s Creed Guy is losing.


Nina and Simone stole my camera… I really have no idea who this guy is.

Cosplay Dress

Not sure if this is a specific character, but the dress is gorgeous!

Fun and Super Glue:

Super Glue Night ElfSimone looks pretty happy for someone who just glued herself to a tube of super glue.

Glue Holder Girl

Nina, the Glue-Holder Girl!

Night Elf Druid Cosplay

Well, even druids gotta eat!

For more fun pictures, take a look at Simone’s Night Elf Approved post(up later)!

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Pictures from SVScon 2013

SVScon Author

As I didn’t want to fill everything into one blog post, I decided to post pictures from this year’s SVScon here! I attended as an author, selling and promoting my Angel’s Voice series. You can read about my weekend here!

If you were at SVScon and have any great pictures you would like to share, post a link in the comments and I will upload them! I would especially love pictures of you if you came to talk me in Artist Alley or if you have a great one of your costume!

Artist Alley

SVScon Author

Books Artist Alley

Artist Alley Stand

Qulr Artist


Night Elf Cosplay

The lovely Skymone in her Night Elf costume from the game World of Warcraft!

Check her out on her Facebook-site!

More pictures will follow when I get sorted through them all!

Unfortunately, I got no good pictures of people in costumes, so I would really love it if you would send me some!

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Friday, Friday, Being Lazy On a Friday!

Samoyed Dog Couch

Argh, now that Rebecca Black song is stuck in my head!

Anyway, another week has come and gone and there’s nothing like just lying around to celebrate that! And no one lies around being lazy like my beautiful and cuddly samoyed Shika.

Samoyed Dog Couch

And as the adorable ball of fluff he is, he ended up recruiting me for lazy time(I fought it… I really did…). And yes, that is indeed me lying on the armrest of the couch. Should I be worried that I always end up sitting on the armrest, while my dogs spread out on the couch?

Samoyed Dog Couch

Today I don’t feel like doing aaaaanything… I just wanna lie in my bed…”

There’s nothing like watching the news with an armful of samoyed on a friday afternoon! Somehow it easens the fact that Holland is in way too much debt, our minister of foreign affairs sounds more pathetic speaking english than a 4th grader and that people are still getting slaughtered in the Middle East. Let fluff save the world…

Samoyed Dog Couch

“What’s that?”

Shika pretends he doesn’t see the need for taking pictures of him… But he’s white, he’s fluffy, he’s cuddly and he knows that perfectly well!

Fortunately, he hasn’t discovered that it makes it impossible to be mad at him yet… His brother Aika, on the other hand, feels no shame at all, because he knows that he can just tilt his head and wag his tail and everyone think he is oooooh so adorable… (He is, but don’t tell him I said it!)

Samoyed Dog Couch

Hug attack!

I slipped from the armrest, honest! It’s his own fault for being so damn hug-able anyway.

I take back what I said earlier… Hugs AND fluff will save the world. Who wants to fight if they can cuddle up with this guy instead?

Samoyed Dog Hug

And of course, Aika shouldn’t be left out!

That look in his eyes can probably be translated to “What the woof is she doing? Don’t take pictures, you idiot, get her off me!”

He normally manage to get away when I get in a hugging mood… Got you this time, chubby!

So here you got the Samoyed Guide to Fridays!

Now my advice to everyone is: When it’s friday, go samoyed!

Hmm… I could probably earn more money lending those two out as teddy bears than I ever could selling books…

Happy Friday everyone!