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Cosplay Photoshoot – Morrigan (Dragon Age)

Morrigan Cosplay Dragon Age

I believe these photos are from all the way back in July, but I have been crazily busy ever since. Besides, it’s cold and dark outside right now, and I haven’t seen the sun in days, so sharing some cosplay photos from a beautiful summer day might be just what is needed to lighten this blog up a bit.

Otherwise it will just be all owl photos and me grumbling about stuff like an old man.

The cosplay I used for this photoshoot was Morrigan from Dragon Age. It’s an old cosplay, but still one of my favorites and I never got around to have any good pictures taken of it at a suitable location, so my friend Line and I took a trip to Hald Ruin, an old castle ruin about an hour’s drive from where I live. The ruin itself turned out to be a bit disappointing, but the area around it was gorgeous, and it was all too easy to find spots that looked like the swamp where you first encounter Morrigan in Dragon Age Origins. It was also the first cosplay photoshoot I did after getting LASIK surgery, meaning I could actually see something while shooting – I don’t use contacts, and I needed to remove my glasses for the photos, so in the past I have always stumbled around nearsightedly – so I could move around more freely. Possibly a little too freely, if you ask Line, because the branches I was crawling around on were hanging out over a lake and might have moved a bit more under my weight than they reasonably should have.

Apparently, working eyesight means little if you step on something that snaps under you, and I was told in no uncertain terms that while she was willing to act as my photographer, Line would not save me if I fell headfirst into the lake.

Morrigan Cosplay Hald Ruin

I look all relaxed in this one, but what you can’t see in the photo is that there’s a rather sudden drop just behind me, so really I’m just hoping I’ll be able to get back down from the damn tree without slipping.

Morrigan Cosplay Dragon Age

It was such a lovely day that I had trouble stopping myself from smiling, which is why I totally fail at capturing Morrigan’s wonderful bitch vibe in most of these photos.

Morrigan Cosplay Forest

“Just ignore the Dutch tourists staring at you. Juuust ignore them.”

Morrigan Cosplay Branch

Morrigan is one of the few cosplays I can sit down in. That helps a lot.

Morrigan Cosplay Ruin

“I think I hear Darkspawn… oh, wait, it’s just the tourists again.”

Morrigan Cosplay Lake

Photographer: Line Torntoft

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Photoshoot – Alexstrasza and Ysera

Maybe I should just make this webpage into a cosplay page instead. I have absolutely nothing to say about writing lately! On the other hand, I have pictures of costumes! The two things are totally related… well, at least I keep within the fantasy genre.

The last pictures I posted were solely of my friend Skymone’s Jaina Proudmoore costume. This time around, we hijacked a photographer to take pictures of our dragon costumes, so I’m actually featured!

The characters are Ysera the Awakened (Skymone) and Alexstrasza the Life-binder (Me) from World of Warcraft. We worked together on these costumes for about a year. It was the first cosplay I did, so I had to lean heavily on Skymone’s crafting experience, but I think it turned out really well! If you’re interested in the process, go take a look at Skymone’s Facebook page: Skymone Cosplay

Photoshoot info:

Characters: Alexstrasza and Ysera (World of Warcraft)

Models: Michelle Louring and Skymone Cosplay

Photographer: Kristian Lund

Alexstrasza Cosplay

Ysera Cosplay

Alexstrasza Ysera Warcraft

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Photoshoot – Jaina Proudmoore

I really should be writing, but somehow I once again got roped into a costume photoshoot. This time, however, I didn’t have to dress up and it didn’t involve the sentence “Just a sec, the owl is making a run for it”.

Anyway, since I have absolutely nothing writing-related to post, I thought I would show off my skills as a photographer instead. My cosplaying friend Simone just finished her Jaina Proudmoore(from World of Warcraft) costume and I got quite a few good pictures of her. She did the editing herself.


Jaina Proudmoore

One of my favorites from the shoot. This photo is also part of a cosplay contest on Facebook. Check it out and throw it a like if you think it deserves to win!
Contest: Cosplay & Cosplayers’ Cover Contest

Jaina Proudmoore Cosplay

Jaina Proudmoore is a master of the arcane arts. Don’t mess with her!

Jaina Proudmoore Cosplay