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The Bookish Owl – Season of Storms by Andrzej Sapkowski

Season of Storms by Andrzej Sapkowski

I’m currently reading Season of Storms by Andrzej Sapkowski.

Why am I currently reading Season of Storms by Andrzej Sapkowski, you ask?

Because the entire first season of the new The Witcher show will be released on Netflix on Friday! That’s more important than Christmas, you guys, and I need to get into the spirit of things. Season of Storms is the last in the book series the show will be based on, so it’s helping to build up the hype for me.

(Not that I needed any help with that. I’m basically vibrating.)

So, who else is watching the show? And if you are, and you’re already familiar with The Witcher, then what are you looking forward to seeing the most?

Season of Storms
by Andrzej Sapkowski

Geralt of Rivia is a Witcher, one of the few capable of hunting the monsters that prey on humanity. A mutant who is tasked with killing unnatural beings. He uses magical signs, potions, and the pride of every Witcher – two swords, steel and silver.

But a contract has gone wrong, and Geralt finds himself without his signature weapons. Now he needs them back, because sorcerers are scheming, and across the world clouds are gathering.

The season of storms is coming…

Season of Storms by Andrzej Sapkowski

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The Bookish Owl – The Lady of the Lake by Andrzej Sapkowski

The Lady of the Lake Andrzej Sapkowski

So, I’ll be starting on The Lady of the Lake by Andrzej Sapkowski.

This is, of course, because I will be leaving for Poland tomorrow where I’ll be attending my second round of Witcher School, and the 7th book in the Witcher series seems like the ideal entertainment for my flight to Wroclaw.

(And for when I’m in so much physical pain that I have to hide out in my room during the LARP…)

It’s been a while since I read the previous book, The Tower of the Swallow, and all I really recall is Geralt and Regis arriving in Toussaint, and Yennifer getting hit with an oar by some Skelliger fishwife. And there was something with Ciri and some fight pit…?

Hopefully it’ll come back to me.

On another note, I’ll be leaving early tomorrow and I have yet to pack anything beside this book, so I better cut this short and get off my ass. Onwards to the owl photo!

The Lady of the Lake
by Andrzej Sapkowski

After walking through a portal in the Tower of the Swallow, thus narrowly escaping death, the Witcher girl, Ciri, finds herself in a completely different world… a world of the Elves. She is trapped with no way out. Time does not seem to exist and there are no obvious borders or portals to cross back into her home world.

But this is Ciri, the child of prophecy, and she will not be defeated. She knows she must escape to finally rejoin the Witcher, Geralt, and his companions – and also to try to conquer her worst nightmare. Leo Bonhart, the man who chased, wounded and tortured Ciri, is still on her trail. And the world is still at war.

The Lady of the Lake Andrzej Sapkowski

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The Bookish Owl – The Tower of the Swallow by Andrzej Sapkowski

The Tower of the Swallow Andrzej Sapkowski

My 30th book of the year will be The Tower of the Swallow by Andrzej Sapkowski (or ‘The Tower of Swallows’, depending on the translation).

I really hope this 6th book in the Witcher series will be better than the last two. I loved the first books, but the last couple have been dragging their metaphorical feet to the point where nothing actually happened in the last one. Anyone who’s been following this blog knows how much I love the Witcher-verse, so obviously I’m not going to bail on the book series, but I really need some monster hunting or crazy mage fights in this one.

If I get another book of characters just wandering around aimlessly while the author pretends brooding counts as character development, I’m gonna have to go replay The Witcher 3 again, just to rekindle my interest in these characters.

I’m getting a bit ranty, I know, but the first books in this series had so much potential, so I’d just hate for the series to continue the pace set by ‘Baptism of Fire’.

Monsters, Sapkowski. Give me some monsters, please.

The Tower of the Swallow
by Andrzej Sapkowski

The world has fallen into war. Ciri, the child of prophecy, has vanished. Hunted by friends and foes alike, she has taken on the guise of a petty bandit and lives free for the first time in her life.
But the net around her is closing. Geralt, the Witcher, has assembled a group of allies determined to rescue her. Both sides of the war have sent brutal mercenaries to hunt her down. Her crimes have made her famous.

There is only one place left to run. The tower of the swallow is waiting…

The Tower of the Swallow Andrzej Sapkowski

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The Bookish Owl – Baptism of Fire by Andrzej Sapkowski

Baptism of Fire Andrzej Sapkowski

It’s amazing how rapidly I consume books when I can’t use a PC for some time. Fourth book this week is Baptism of Fire by Andrzej Sapkowski, meaning that you’ll once again have to listen to me talk about the Witcher.

My Witcher craze was dying down a bit, seeing as I didn’t have many people to geek out about it with, but I have a friend who promised me to play The Witcher 3 if it ever came to Nintendo Switch (the only gaming platform she uses).

Guess what just got announced for release later this year? She is so going to regret her promises once I’m breathing down her neck to finish this game…

Not to mention that Netflix is releasing their Witcher show some time this year as well. And I’m returning to Witcher School in October. I’m going to be insufferable, you guys.

What were we talking about again…? Oh, right. Books.

In case you didn’t guess it, ‘Baptism of Fire’ is the next book in the Witcher series. In the last book, Time of Contempt, we left Geralt badly wounded after getting caught up in a sorcerer coup, and his foster daughter Ciri joining up with a bunch of murderous outlaws after stumbling through a malfunctioning portal. Good times. I hope it goes better for them in this book, but honestly, these two are some of the unluckiest people ever and I just don’t see it happening.

Baptism of Fire
by Andrzej Sapkowski

The Wizards Guild has been shattered by a coup and, in the uproar, Geralt was seriously injured. The Witcher is supposed to be a guardian of the innocent, a protector of those in need, a defender against powerful and dangerous monsters that prey on men in dark times.

But now that dark times have fallen upon the world, Geralt is helpless until he has recovered from his injuries.

While war rages across all of the lands, the future of magic is under threat and those sorcerers who survive are determined to protect it. It’s an impossible situation in which to find one girl – Ciri, the heiress to the throne of Cintra, has vanished – until a rumor places her in the Niflgaard court, preparing to marry the Emperor.

Injured or not, Geralt has a rescue mission on his hands.

Baptism of Fire Andrzej Sapkowski

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The Bookish Owl – Time of Contempt by Andrzej Sapkowski

Time of Contempts Andrzej Sapkowski Owl

It’s been at least two full weeks since I last talked about Witcher, so it’s a good thing that I’m now reading Time of Contempt by Andrzej Sapkowski!

Seeing as ‘contempt’ is in the title, it’s obviously the lovely Yennefer adorning the cover. Meaning Artemis really had to up his game so as not to have his arrogance outshined in today’s picture. Philippa Eilhart might be the Witcher-verse’s resident Crazy Owl Lady, but I have no doubt that Artemis would get along just fine as Yennefer’s familiar.

I probably lost all the non-Witcher fans now, but that’s alright. I know you’re only here for the grumpy owl!

Time of Contempt
by Andrzej Sapkowski

Geralt the Witcher has fought monsters and demons across the land, but even he may not be prepared for what is happening to his world. The kings and armies are maneuvering for position, each fearing invasion from across the river, each fearing their neighbours more. Intrigue, dissent and rebellion are on all sides.

The Elves and other non-humans are still suffering under decades of repression, and growing numbers join the commando units hidden deep in the forest, striking at will and then dissolving into the trees. The Magicians are fighting amongst themselves, some in the pay of the kings, some sympathetic to the elves.

And against this backdrop of fear and contempt Geralt and his lover Yennefer must protect Ciri, orphaned heir and sought by all sides. For the prophecy rests on her, and whether she lives or dies she has the power to save the world – or perhaps end it.

Time of Contempts Andrzej Sapkowski Owl