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Let’s Talk Dungeons & Dragons Characters

Dungeons and Dragons Character Sheet

Dungeons and Dragons logoWhile we’re waiting for me to get off my ass and finish the large LARP posts in the pipeline, let’s have a fun little discussion about an adjacent geek topic.

I have been playing so much Dungeons & Dragons lately. As of writing this, I have done three sessions for three different campaigns within the last week, and I’ll be continuing one of those this afternoon. Which means I have wanted to talk about little else, and I think it’s about time to give my friends a break from discussions on multi-class options and character plot quests.

So I need you guys to pick up the slack.

Tell me all about your favorite D&D characters (or characters from other tabletop games, but I might do a separate post for those at some point), whether you’re playing them in an active campaign or just have fond memories of them from times past.

I’ll share a few of mine as well.


Level 7 Human Tempest Cleric

Sidris is a priestess of Thor who lived most of her life in his temple until one day she picked a fight with a group of goblins in the nearby forest and ended up being chased for miles before running into a group of adventurers who helped to even the odds. It was here she saw the chance to leave the temple behind for a while and go explore the world with this band of misfits.

She might have wanted to tell someone at the temple about this journey, but what’s done is done.

Now, she’s running around doing odd quests for even odder people, while being pursued by her fellow priests who want to bring her back and at the same time trying to figure out why the hell Thor has decided he wants her to become High Priestess.

She joined the party as their healer, but who really has time for healing spells when you have both Call Lightning and Thunderwave…? I don’t believe I’m exaggerating by all that much when I say Sidris is responsible for at least as much damage done to her party members as their enemies are. They’re getting better at keeping their distance, though.

Friendly NPCs don’t have the necessary knowledge to take those same precautions, but we haven’t had any casualties (yet).

I enjoy playing Sidris, because I get to be holy while still acting like a total degenerate in the eyes of most other religions. To Thor, alcoholism and tavern brawls count as worship.


Natalia Forsythe

Level 4 Human Necromancer Wizard

Going from Chaotic Neutral to Neutral Evil, let’s take a look at Natalia.

As of writing, Natalia only has 3 sessions to her name, but the character arc I had imagined for her has already been utterly derailed. She started out as a necromancer-in-training, out searching for signs of her master who disappeared after the city guard started looking a little too closely into why a lot of corpses were going missing from the local graveyards.

Her search took her to Ironhaven, where she was investigating a rather defective undead hill giant, when a barbarian wererat, a cleric who wasn’t very good at being a cleric, and an overly friendly warlock who kept handing out pamplets for his “Church of the Tentacle” all decided that they should join the Thieves’ Guild and that Natalia was going to be their leader.

Mind you, none of them have, at any point, asked her for her name. All they know is that she’s a wizard and that she’s smarter than any of them, which is an extremely low bar.

So now this necromancer is the leader of a branch of the Thieves’ Guild. She shares her new hideout with her three idiot subordinates (she doesn’t know any of their names, either), a goat, and various random people who failed their ability checks when being persuaded to join the Church of the Tentacle. And at this point, the goat might be the only who has realized that she isn’t exactly an ordinary wizard and that the basement is going to be filled with zombies once she gets access to Animate Dead.

Considering that the warlock has found a list of D&D related dad jokes, and that the cleric keeps putting his cursed armor back on every time we use Remove Curse on him, a couple of those zombies will likely be from our own ranks… I do not rule out that this character might end up as the Big Bad Evil Guy after she finally snaps.

I do actually have a short intro story I wrote for this character, but I don’t know if that’s something people would be interested in reading on this blog. Let me know.


Level 3 Wood-Elf Circle of Wildfire Druid

The newest character of the bunch, but I’m already growing rather fond of her. Shalendra is a kind and dedicated druid… who got kicked out of the Circle of the Moon because her fascination with fire led to one too many accidental forest fires.

I have only played her in one session so far, but it’s a lot of fun to play a fundamentally good character who just so happens to often screw up rather badly. The only reason she didn’t cause a forest fire in the very first session was because our GM was prepared and let the campaign’s first mystery be, “Why are all the plants in this forest fireproof?”

I have never played a druid before, and it would have been overwhelming enough simply with Wildshape and standard druid spells, but I was flinging fire abilities left and right in that first session, and I only got to use half of the ones I had. Circle of Wildfire is, well, wild.

Also, I have a Wildfire Spirit in the form of a phoenix. I call him Daeva, nearby people have to make saving throws when I summon him, and he’s my precious little baby and I won’t hear a bad word about him.

Aimon the Younger

Level 3 Human Rogue Assassin

I only got to play Aimon in one session, but it was hilarious and I intend to bring him back someday.

Aimon the Younger is a 89-year old assassin. He does not remember who Aimon the Older was, or how all these stolen goods ended up in his possession. He’s what I describe as an “absent-minded kleptomaniac” and I never made sleight of hand rolls for him. Every once in a while, the DM would just tell me what I had ended up stealing whenever the rest of the group took their eyes off me for a few seconds.

However, despite being mostly senile, he was surprisingly effective in combat. Be nice to your elders, kids… or you might just lose a kidney.

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Top Ten Tuesday – Non-Bookish Hobbies

Witcher School Archery Class

It’s time for Top Ten Tuesday, and for once, the prompt is not book-related.

It’s Non-Bookish Hobbies, and while I don’t think I can list 10 of them, I do have quite a few.

…And they’re all ridiculously geeky.


Yes, I enjoy dressing up as fictional characters. It’s frowned upon to be pretending to be a dragon at most workplaces, so I do it in my spare time instead.

I make most of my costumes myself, literally pouring blood, sweat and tears into them (as well as some burned skin). Every once in a while I “cheat” and raid a thrift store in order to put together an outfit, just so I will have something comfortable to wear once I get tired of people knocking into my horns at conventions.

Dungeons & Dragons

The heading says Dungeon & Dragons, but I really play a long range of tabletop RPGs. Currently, I have been roped into campaigns for D&D, Vampire: The Masquerade and Dragon Age RPG.

Of course, these terms will mean nothing to non-geek readers, so in short: I’m still pretending to be a fantasy character, but instead of flashy costumes, I’m using flashy dice.

Dungeons and Dragons Player Book and Dice


I’m seeing a theme here, considering this is yet ANOTHER hobby where I pretend to be a made-up character. But hey, at least this one gets me out in the fresh air!

And quite often beat up in a forest in Poland…

(For non-geeks: LARP stands for Live Action Roleplaying.)

Cat School Witcher School Season 4


Surprise, surprise, I also play a lot of video games. My favorites are fantasy games like World of Warcraft, The Witcher and Dragon Age, but every once in a while I’ll also exercise my God-complex in The Sims.

Demon Hunter Level 1


Not much to say here. I just like to shoot stuff.

Witcher School Archery Class


Since I couldn’t really put “I own an unruly owl” as a hobby, let’s go with ‘Falconry’. I know I have some pictures somewhere of me training various Harris Hawks, but since I can’t find them, we’ll just have to feature aforementioned unruly owl.

Owl Bite

While it bothers me not to be able to find ten things for a post titled “Top Ten Tuesday”, I simply don’t have time for anymore hobbies if I’m ever going to get any work done. So this is it!

Any of you guys share my passions? If not, tell me of your hobbies, since I so rarely get the chance to talk about things other than books in my comment sections.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly book (usually) blog prompt hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. They’re a lot of fun, and it’s a great way to discover and connect with other book bloggers!

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Confessions of a D&D Dice Hoarder

Dungeons and Dragons Player Book and Dice

You know what sucks about this whole social distancing thing?

(I mean, except for people dying, the economy collapsing, people losing their jobs, etc…)

My D&D groups have to cancel all gaming sessions.

Dungeons and Dragons Player Book and Dice

I don’t even have any online groups going at the moment, and even if I did, the convenience provided by Roll20 eliminates the need for one of my favorite things… Dice.

I looove dice sets. I don’t know why. It’s not like any of us ever used to obsess over the six-sided die in the family’s Monopoly set, but as soon as you start playing Dungeons & Dragons, there’s some switch in your brain that gets flicked and you suddenly need an incredibly fancy set of dice for each of your characters, each with a backup set in case the first one gets jinxed and you start rolling fail after fail.

I don’t know if all tabletop gamers get like this, or if I just mainly play with girls, and girl gamers need something to replace normal women’s obsession with shoes…

But I’m not the one among my friends spending the most on new dice I don’t need. I’m just the only one who will impulse-buy three cheap sets on eBay in her lunch break at work and now own the most SETS of dice. Luckily I’m too cheap to purchase any of those beautiful amethyst dice sets I see on Twitter. I just follow the maker’s account and drool over the photos.

But some of the cheap sets I have are rather lovely. And a fellow player informed me that they were well-balanced in the sort of mansplainy voice that makes me think he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I should probably do the water test on them, but as long as they are reliably one-shotting enemies and almost getting me killed in the same session, I chose to trust them.

Ruby red dice set White dice set

So, that’s where I’m at. Just spreading my 68 favorite dice (yes, those are just my favorites) across my living room table and staring longingly at them, remembering better times, and then deciding I can’t be assed to clean up the mess I just made.

But honestly, 2020 was supposed to be the year for the geeks. We were all so excited for our dice-themed New Years photos, so 2020…?

What about giving the players just a few crits?

Dice 2020 D&D

Have you written any posts showcasing your dice? Today, I’m giving you full permission to plug your blog by posting links to them in the comments!
Go on… Feed my dice craving.