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Top Ten Tuesday – Characters I’d Name a Pet After

Vetinari Cat Discworld

The week speeds past, and before you know it, it’s time for another Top Ten Tuesday post. This week the topic is ‘Characters I Would Name a Pet After’, so I had to think about all my potential future pets.
If I end up impulsively adopting ten animals tonight, I don’t think any blame can be put on me.

Artemis Fowl

Believe it or not, I have never read Artemis Fowl. But… I do have an owl – a fowl, if you will – named Artemis. Sure, he’s named after the Greek goddess of the hunt, but we can pretend otherwise for the sake of this post.

Havelock Vetinari (Discworld)

The Patrician of Ankh-Morpork in the Discworld series is one of my favorite characters, and both his first and last name would make a good pet name. I think I would use ‘Havelock’ for a hawk or a falcon, and ‘Vetinari’ for a cat. Or possibly a snake.
Funnily enough, the character himself is a dog person.

Havelock Vetinari Discworld Paul Kidby

Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games)

‘Katniss’ is a name so well-suited for a cat that I imagine thousands of cats around the world already carry it.

Nymeria (A Song of Ice and Fire)

I approve of Arya Stark’s taste in wolf names, so I could see myself naming a dog this.

Gaspode the Wonder Dog (Discworld)

If I were ever to adopt a scrawny rescue dog with too much brains for his own good, I would name him Gaspode.

Gaspode Discworld Paul Kidby

Minerva McGonagall (Harry Potter)

‘McGonagall’ would be too hard to call, but ‘Minerva’ would do the job as a name.
Obviously for a cat.

Inspector Lestrade (Sherlock Holmes)

‘Lestrade’ has a nice ring to it. However, I’m not sure if it’s better for a cat or a dog.

Sirius Black (Harry Potter)

Is it too meta to name a dog after a character named after the Dog Star…?

Nobby Nobbs (Discworld)

Naming a dog ‘Nobbs’ might be jinxing myself. I would just end up with a dog that steals everything.
Besides, I could hardly have Nobby without his trusty partner… and I really don’t want a dog named ‘Colon’.

Nobby Nobbs Discworld Paul Kidby

Crowley (Good Omens)

If I’m not getting a snake and calling it Crowley, what am I even doing with my life?

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly book prompt hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and it’s a lot of fun. Go check it out!

But first: Tell me your favorite name for a pet. The weirder the better!

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Top Ten Tuesday – Book Titles that Would Make Great Song Titles

Book Covers Fantasy

It’s time for Top Ten Tuesday!

This week’s topic is Book Titles that Would Make Great Song Titles, so I raided my bookshelves for candidates. It was surprisingly easy this time, but I think it’s because I read so much fantasy, and fantasy books tend to have catchy titles.

If you’re unfamiliar with the whole Top Ten Tuesday thing, it’s a weekly book prompt hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl and it’s a great way to find new book bloggers and just talk about books, books, and more books.

Now, let’s begin.

We Hunt the Flame Hafsah Faizal cover

We Hunt the Flame

by Hafsah Faizal

I feel like this would make a great goth metal song, maybe sung by Evanescence or Within Temptation.

This Savage Song V. E. Schwab Cover

This Savage Song

by V. E. Schwab

This would be punk rock, since it makes a very ‘meta’ song title.

The Strange Case of the Alchemist's Daughter cover

The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter

by Theodora Goss

This would most definitely be a song by Panic! at the Disco…

Kingdom of Copper S. A. Chakraborty

The Kingdom of Copper

by S. A. Chakraborty

This would make for a great rock song.

The Bear and the Nightingale cover

The Bear and the Nightingale

by Katherine Arden

It’s not quite ‘The Bear and the Maiden Fair’, but I still feel like this is a song I would hear at a Renaissance Fair.

Jade City Fonda Lee

Jade City

by Fonda Lee

Another one I feel would make a good rock song.

Making Money Terry Pratchett cover

Making Money

by Terry Pratchett

This might actually already be a song by some ego-tripping rapper…

Shadow and Bone Leigh Bardugo cover

Shadow and Bone

by Leigh Bardugo

I love this title, but I’m not quite sure of which music genre it would be. Some subgenre of metal, perhaps?

A Hat Full of Sky Terry Pratchett cover

A Hat Full of Sky

by Terry Pratchett

Time for some pop music, don’t you think? If Natasha Bedingfield were ever to make a sequel to ‘Pocket Full of Sunshine’, this would probably be the title.

Good Omens cover

Good Omens

by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman

I imagine this as a really upbeat pop song. Owl City should get on it.

There you have it: My contribution to the world of bookish music.

Any of you agree with my choices? Or maybe you think I have the genres all wrong?

Throw me a comment and let’s talk books!

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Top Ten Tuesday – Non-Bookish Hobbies

Witcher School Archery Class

It’s time for Top Ten Tuesday, and for once, the prompt is not book-related.

It’s Non-Bookish Hobbies, and while I don’t think I can list 10 of them, I do have quite a few.

…And they’re all ridiculously geeky.


Yes, I enjoy dressing up as fictional characters. It’s frowned upon to be pretending to be a dragon at most workplaces, so I do it in my spare time instead.

I make most of my costumes myself, literally pouring blood, sweat and tears into them (as well as some burned skin). Every once in a while I “cheat” and raid a thrift store in order to put together an outfit, just so I will have something comfortable to wear once I get tired of people knocking into my horns at conventions.

Dungeons & Dragons

The heading says Dungeon & Dragons, but I really play a long range of tabletop RPGs. Currently, I have been roped into campaigns for D&D, Vampire: The Masquerade and Dragon Age RPG.

Of course, these terms will mean nothing to non-geek readers, so in short: I’m still pretending to be a fantasy character, but instead of flashy costumes, I’m using flashy dice.

Dungeons and Dragons Player Book and Dice


I’m seeing a theme here, considering this is yet ANOTHER hobby where I pretend to be a made-up character. But hey, at least this one gets me out in the fresh air!

And quite often beat up in a forest in Poland…

(For non-geeks: LARP stands for Live Action Roleplaying.)

Cat School Witcher School Season 4


Surprise, surprise, I also play a lot of video games. My favorites are fantasy games like World of Warcraft, The Witcher and Dragon Age, but every once in a while I’ll also exercise my God-complex in The Sims.

Demon Hunter Level 1


Not much to say here. I just like to shoot stuff.

Witcher School Archery Class


Since I couldn’t really put “I own an unruly owl” as a hobby, let’s go with ‘Falconry’. I know I have some pictures somewhere of me training various Harris Hawks, but since I can’t find them, we’ll just have to feature aforementioned unruly owl.

Owl Bite

While it bothers me not to be able to find ten things for a post titled “Top Ten Tuesday”, I simply don’t have time for anymore hobbies if I’m ever going to get any work done. So this is it!

Any of you guys share my passions? If not, tell me of your hobbies, since I so rarely get the chance to talk about things other than books in my comment sections.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly book (usually) blog prompt hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. They’re a lot of fun, and it’s a great way to discover and connect with other book bloggers!

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Top Ten Tuesday: Questions I Would Ask My Favorite Authors

Terry Pratchett

Time for another Top Ten Tuesday, because it’s… Tuesday.

I know I have been quiet for the past couple of weeks, but for once I have a good excuse, since I have been busy working. I promise you’ll soon get your weekly dose of owl photos again, but today you’ll have to make do with the weekly book blog prompt hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week the topic is Questions I Would Ask My Favorite Authors. I tried coming up with something different to the usual tired writing interview questions, so there won’t be any “Where do you get your inspiration from?” or “Do you ever get writer’s block?” chatter here.

Here we go!

Terry PratchettTerry Pratchett

“What’s the weirdest thing that ever happened to you?”

“Which Discworld character do you most identify with?”

“Are any of your characters based on real people? And if so, were those people pissed when they found out?”

“What do you think of the adaption of Good Omens?”

George R R MartinGeorge R. R. Martin

“Have you ever regretted killing a character?”

“Have you ever regretted NOT killing a character?”

“Do you ever wish you could transport ungrateful fans to Westeros and let them fend for themselves?”

Agatha ChristieAgatha Christie

“If you were going to commit murder yourself… How would you do it?”

“And where would you hide the body?”

J K RowlingJ. K. Rowling

“What the hell is wrong with you…?”


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Top Ten Tuesday: Books with Colors in the Titles

Color Book Covers

Due to a couple of crazily busy weeks, I have skipped a few Top Ten Tuesdays, but now I’m back!

This week’s prompt by That Artsy Reader Girl is Books with Colors in the Titles. I decided to only choose books I have either read already or that are on my TBR list, and let me tell you: The task turned out harder than I had expected! Which is why I stretched the definition a little by including things like metals and gems as colors.

I guess my taste in books is just not that colorful…

The Colour of Magic Terry Pratchett

The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett

Okay, it might not have the name of a color in the title, but it does have a color! Of course it’s Octarine, the eight color of the rainbow and the color of magic, but just because it’s a fictional color does not mean it doesn’t count.

(No, I’m not trying to justify borderline cheating with this list. What are you talking about?)

A Darker Shade of Magic V. E. Schwab

A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab

Look, if The Colour of Magic counts, so does this…

I Shall Wear Midnight Terry Pratchett

I Shall Wear Midnight by Terry Pratchett

The Midnight in this title refers to a shade of black that the protagonist Tiffany Aching intends to wear when she gets old.

City of Brass S. A. Chakraborty

Kingdom of Copper S. A. Chakraborty

Kingdom of Copper S. A. Chakraborty

The City of Brass, The Kingdom of Copper and The Empire of Gold by S. A. Chakraborty

Metals are often used to refer to certain colors, so the books in the Daevabad Trilogy totally count.

The Black Prism Brent Weeks

The Black Prism by Brent Weeks

This might just be the only book on this list that irrefutably belongs on it!

Jade City Fonda Lee

Jade City by Fonda Lee

Jade is green. End of story.

Blackwing Ed McDonald

Blackwing by Ed McDonald

Blackwing has got ‘Black’ in it, right?

Red Country Joe Abercrombie

Red Country by Joe Abercrombie

I had to scour Amazon for a last book to add to this list, so I guess I have to read this now…

So, tell me: Did you guys also have to cheat ever so slightly to fit ten books on this list?
Please tell me I’m not the only one!