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Getting Ready to Invade SVScon(Again)

Box of BooksOnce again, I can tell you that I’m going to be at this year’s SVScon in Herning, Denmark! This year, it will be held over the weekend 3.-5. May 2013.

I had an amazing time last year when I had a booth at their Artist Alley-area, and I’m very excited to say that I can be found there both Friday and Saturday this year. I will also come better prepared this time!

Last year, the huge interest in my books took me by surprise and I ended up having sold out of my paper copies long before my time was up. This time, I have ordered home three times as many copies and I dare you to make me run out!

I’m also pleased to say that Silent Sound is almost done and will be ready before May, which means that I will be selling it in print for the first time at this convention. I am so excited about seeing it in print beside Resounding Echo that it’s nearly making me feel sick!

Like last year, I will also be selling posters and I have already ordered prints of my 5 favorite artworks. I would love to hear if you think there’s one I just HAVE to be selling as well. Feel free to look through the artwork page: The Angel’s Voice Series Artwork

My trusty sidekick Hans Christian, also known as Qulr on DeviantART(Last year going by the name Mitizaki), will also be joining me again. If you didn’t know, he is the one who took ZKROX’s amazing artwork and turned it into covers for Resounding Echo and Silent Sound.

If you visit my booth, you will also get a voucher for a free ebook copy of Huntress!

Once again, I will love to hear your opinions on poster choices, or any other ideas to what I should bring to SVScon (Even if you can’t make it to the convention yourself). And I really hope to see just as many amazing people as I did last year!

Rock on!