I’m struggling with insomnia lately and my brain is using the extra time coming up with design ideas I didn’t ask for. I hadn’t planned on making a new cover for the ebook collection of the three first books in the Angel’s Voice Series, Song of Angels, but my insomnia-fueled design craze turned out results too good to hide away on a hard drive, so… here we are, I guess.
Behold the result of my brain being idle:
I have in fact already finished the covers for my next three books and the next ebook collection, but my hyperactive brain is not willing to stop working on designs just because I have run out of books, so I’m currently mentally making maps of everything and I might soon go insane from trying to remember where I placed the city gates in Var’nori at 2 am in the morning.
I’m strongly considering taking up alcoholism.
What do you think of the new cover?