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Cover Reveal – Broken Melody

Broken Melody Michelle Louring Cover

As promised, here you have the cover for my upcoming book Broken Melody.

As it’s the fifth in the Angel’s Voice series, it obviously matches the covers of the other books. We’re just going orange this time.

Broken Melody Michelle Louring Cover

It was pointed out to me at a convention that I had the colors of all the Hogwarts houses, except for Hufflepuff, and several Hufflepuffers (Hufflers? Puffers…? I’m not sure what they call themselves) found this completely unacceptable. However, I did not actually have a yellow version of the artwork, so I’m hoping orange will do.

(I checked my own set of Harry Potter books – there’s no yellow book either, but there ARE blue, green, red and orange…)

I’m quite sure I have my arguments in order if I get cornered at the next convention. I can hear you laughing, but geeks – even the nice ones – are surprisingly fierce when they feel wronged. One memorable game of World of Warcraft Trivial Pursuit once led to me getting beaten up by prop weapons made from thermoplastic and I have been tackled by cosplayers more times than I’d like to think about.

I bet you thought this post was about a book cover, huh? But nope, it’s really about why I wear footwear suitable for running when I sell books at conventions…

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New Cover – Song of Angels

Book Cover Song of Angels

I’m struggling with insomnia lately and my brain is using the extra time coming up with design ideas I didn’t ask for. I hadn’t planned on making a new cover for the ebook collection of the three first books in the Angel’s Voice Series, Song of Angels, but my insomnia-fueled design craze turned out results too good to hide away on a hard drive, so… here we are, I guess.

Behold the result of my brain being idle:

Book Cover Song of Angels

I have in fact already finished the covers for my next three books and the next ebook collection, but my hyperactive brain is not willing to stop working on designs just because I have run out of books, so I’m currently mentally making maps of everything and I might soon go insane from trying to remember where I placed the city gates in Var’nori at 2 am in the morning.

I’m strongly considering taking up alcoholism.

What do you think of the new cover?

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Paperbacks, Oh Paperbacks

Paperbacks Michelle Louring

Yesterday, I received the first paperback copies of the new editions of my books.

I picked up the package at the post office.

I got home.

I put the package on the table.

Then I proceeded to circle said package for half an hour, acting like it might go off and kill everyone (everyone being  me and my owl) if I were to open it.

Amazon package

I then opened the package because I was running late for an appointment and I didn’t have time to be scared of inanimate objects.

Somewhat anticlimatically, nothing blew up.

Paperbacks Michelle LouringTitle page Resounding Echo

While not as bright as their digital counterparts (as expected, since ink has its limitations), the covers were still beautiful. The interior was gorgeous, with the choice of fonts and text size having hit the mark, and the title page I spent 3 hours obsessing over being worth every minute even though no one besides me is going to care.

But don’t worry: I hate the spines. They got a good talking to where I explained to them that their clashing colors were unacceptable and changes would have to be made.

I haven’t turned lenient all of a sudden.

Paperback spines Michelle Louring


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Ghostly Scream – Release Date and Cover Reveal

Ghostly Scream Michelle Louring

It took me way too long, but I’m happy to finally announce a release date for Ghostly Scream.

You’re not getting a lot of warning: Ghostly Scream will be out as ebook on October 17!

If you want the paperback, it’s already available here.

Ghostly Scream

They might be better dressed, but mages can be just as fickle as demons . . .

Disavowed by the clergy, Selissa is left to fend for herself when her actions lead her to become a prisoner of Var’nori.
She is given the choice between staying locked up within the walls of the mage city or accepting to become an apprentice of the secretive magister, Feryll. It’s really not much of a choice.
Because while her life has changed a lot over the last few years, one thing is still very much true:
Selissa really, really doesn’t like mages.

Since I’ve been so slow with everything, I’m going ahead and doing the cover reveal at the same time. The first reaction I got on this went something along the lines of “I love it, but mostly because it screams ‘vampire’!”, so I feel obligated to say that this book features no vampires whatsoever. I’m very sorry if I got your hopes up.

Without further delay, here you have the deceptively vampire-y cover of Ghostly Scream:

Ghostly Scream Michelle Louring cover

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New Covers – Angel’s Voice Series

Covers Michelle Louring

I’m thrilled to finally make this post!

As I mentioned I have been working on new revised editions of Resounding Echo, Silent Sound and Quiet Whisper prior to the release of Ghostly Scream. Those new editions will be released over the next couple of weeks, so keep an eye out!

What about Ghostly Scream, you might ask? Well, come back here on Thursday where the release date (which is soon!) will be announced.

In the meantime, feast your eyes on these pretties and tell me what you think of the new look.