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Firing Up For Genki!

Genki Logo

It’s time for another convention (didn’t I just get home from the last one…?)!

After two successful years at the Danish J-Pop convention SVScon, I have now graduated to the bigger Genki, which will be held from 30. August – 1. Septemper this year. It’s on the other side of the country, but that really doesn’t say much when you’re in Denmark, and it has twice the audience of SVScon. I’m so psyched about it!

As with SVScon, I will be found in the convention’s Artist Alley area(Table F. Isn’t it cool that it’s big enough to have lettered stands?). If you come see me, you will not only be able to get a signed copy of Resounding Echo or Silent Sound, you might also get to see me in the ridiculously revealing costume a friend of mine convinced me to make for this convention.

It’s a J-Pop convention. When in Rome, do as the Romans… (I’m probably going to regret this)

But enough about that. Don’t worry, there will be pictures once it’s done.

As usual, you will be able to buy both paperbacks and posters at my stand, but come around if you just want a chat as well! Or, you know, if you want to see me dressed as a skimpy dragon…

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Book Signing Jitters

Books, check. Reservations, Check. Nerves… Double check.

To those of you that don’t know, I’m going to be at SVScon this weekend.

And the bad thing about focusing on the ebook market is that this will be the first time meeting my potentiel readers face-to-face. And frankly, I’m scared to death.

Okay, okay, I know I’m being melodramatic, but it’s my blog. I’m allowed to be.

It’s so easy only dealing with people on the internet. You have plenty of time to think about your answers so you might actually sound intelligent(People don’t have to know that you used an hour thinking about the best way to answer if you like the color green…). And I can always choose not to read my reviews.

If people stop at my booth and pick up my book, I have nowhere to run to avoid hearing them say if they love or hate what they read. And I really like having the opportunity to run!

Don’t get me wrong, I love hearing from people who have read my books! But at the same time I fear it.

I think the anticipation is the worst… I have never had problems after hearing someone critisize my writing, but the waiting time before knowing if people are going to say something negative kills me!

I’m definitely in the wrong business. If I ever get successful enough to frequently have my books reviewed, I will die from the stress I put myself through every time I know I have a new review, but can’t bring myself to read it and get it over with.

But back to the book signing… I really can’t just avoid opening my email or block certain people to avoid hearing others’ opinions, can I?

This seemed like such a good idea when I agreed to it…

Well, you can look forward to hearing all about it if I survive the weekend! I will be sure to take pictures for those of you who can’t attend.

I will also be back to blogging about the business of indie publishing after the weekend, so feel free to send me relevant topic or news you would like to discuss in the following week!