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Huntress Cover Redesign

For a long time, I have had a highly flawed cover for my short story Huntress. The dimensions were all wrong, the cover being much wider than it should be, and the text couldn’t be read due to falling together with the black part of the artwork. I finally pulled myself together to redesign it and fix the problems.

This is the only one of my covers designed by myself, so it isn’t at the same level as the others. Still, it’s an improvement!

Redesign Fantasy Cover

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Read an E-Book Week on Smashwords!

Read an E-book Week

I know I’m a bit late in announcing this, but I wanted to tell everyone that I’m participating in Smashwords’ ‘Read an E-Book Week’!

The event runs from 3-9. March, and it’s an amazing chance to discover new writers at bargain prices. As a treat to people who follows this blog, as well as those following me on Facebook and Twitter, both Huntress and Resounding Echo will be free during this week.

If you have yet to pick up one of those titles, it’s the perfect chance to do it before Silent Sound gets released in late March or early April!

I plan on spending ‘Read an E-Book Week’ discovering a lot of great new writers, and I hope all of you will do the same! 

Why are you still reading this? Get going! 

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Release of Huntress!

Redesign Fantasy Cover

My new short story Huntress is finally available as ebook!

As a short story, it will unfortunately ONLY be available in ebook format, but it might be included in a paperback short story-collection in the future.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Giveaway! The winners will be announced on Rafflecopter and the ebook copies will be sent out later today.

Huntress is available on:

Amazon Kindle: Here

Smashwords: Here

Redesign Fantasy CoverAfter having watched man after man being carried through the gates, all on the verge of death, Selissa has had enough. Each of them has fallen victim to the claws of the vicious demons lurking in the forest, but everyone turns a blind eye to the rampage that is happening right before them.

Despite the warnings of the young priest apprentice Calen, Selissa decides to deal with the demon threat on her own. But she may soon discover that demons are the least of her problems…

Huntress is a prequel short story to the Angel’s Voice series, and takes place 3 years prior to Resounding Echo.

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Huntress Giveaway!

Redesign Fantasy Cover

My new short story Huntress will be out in November, and to celebrate that I’m running a Giveaway, where you have a chance to get a FREE Kindle ebook copy!
This will be my first time doing a Rafflecopter giveaway, so I’m pretty excited to see how it works out. Follow the link to enter:

Rafflecopter Huntress Giveaway

Redesign Fantasy Cover

After having watched man after man being carried through the gates, all on the verge of death, Selissa has had enough. Each of them has fallen victim to the claws of the vicious demons lurking in the forest, but everyone turns a blind eye to the rampage that is happening right before them.

Despite the warnings of the young priest apprentice Calen, Selissa decides to deal with the demon threat on her own. But she may soon discover that demons are the least of her problems…

Huntress is a prequel short story to the Angel’s Voice series, and takes place 3 years prior to Resounding Echo.

Enter the Giveaway!